Jurnal Besurek JIDAN is published twice a year. Articles published in this journal are the results of pregnancy, maternity, childbed, neonates, infant, under-fives and pre-school children, family planning, reproduction health, adolenscent health, elderly health, maternal health, child health, complementary therapy in midwifery.
Editors invite experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts in midwifery to write a research article in this journal. Articles should be original, research-based, unpublished and not under review for possible publication in other journals. All submitted papers are subject to review of the editors, editorial board, and blind reviewers. Submissions that violate our guidelines on formatting or length will be rejected without review.
Online Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must be sent online to the online portal of Besurek JIDAN on page http://ojs.poltekkesbengkulu.ac.id/index.php/besurek/index
Steps for submitting Manuscripts
General Instructions
Particular Instructions
Abstrak : Abstrak is written in Indonesian in a short paragraph describing the paper's content. Abstrak consists of background, purpose of the study, method(s), result of the study, and conclusion. Abstract is limited into 250 words (times new roman size 10, italic, single space)
Abstract : Abstrak is written in English in a short paragraph describing paper’s content. Abstrak consists of background, purpose of the study, method(s), result of the study, and conclusion. Abstract is limited into 250 words (times new roman size 10, italic, single space)
Introduction : Introduction consists of background of the study explaining the main topic of research, problem(s), purpose of the study, research significance, and theory used to solve the problem(s).
Method : Method of the research consists of methods and approach, location of research, time of research, population and sampling, data collection technique(s), and data analysis method. Other parts can be added along with research relevance.
Result and Discussion : Result contains in sequence from general to specific with logical explanation by presenting descriptions, tables, and illustrations. The finding emphasizes the observations without the interpretation of the authors. Figures and tables must be given a title and, if sourced from previous publications, must obtain the approval of the author. The discussion contains a comprehensive interpretation and analysis of the research obtained and is linked to the results that have been reported.
Conclusion : Conclusion comes from the research finding and recommendations. Authors are not allowed to rewrite the results, but it must paraphrase the finding. The conclusion should also consider all aspects related to the hypothesis and research objectives.
Acknowledgements : Acknowledgements (if any). Briefy acknowledgements research funders, and any research participants in this section.
Reference : Contains reference sources written alphabetically and chronologically, Referral sources are published literature in the last 10 years (especially of the journal). Referral preferred are the primary sources in the form of books, reports (including dissertation), or research articles in scientific journals and magazines. It is suggested to use Mendeley or Zotero as a reference manager at styling the citations and the reference.
The Example of Compiling a Reference
Author. (year). Article’s title. Name of journal. Volume. Page. Doi: xxxxx
Gibbons, L. (2010). The global numbers and costs of additionally needed and unnecessary Caesarean sections performed per year: Overuse as a barrier to universal coverage, World Health Report. 30. 1–31. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004.
Author. (year). Article’s title. Name of journal. Volume. Page. Retrived from URL
Reeves, S., (2007). Key factors in planning and implementing interprofessional education in health care settings. Journal of Allied Health, 36(4), 231-235. Retrived from http://www.sciencedirect.com.
Author. (year, month, date). Article’s title. Name of magazine. Retrived from URL.
Barile, L. (2011, April). Mobile technologies for libraries. C&RL News. Retrived from http://crln.acrl.org/content/72/4/ 222.full.
Author. (year, month, date). Article’s title. Name of newspaper. Retrived from URL.
Yunda, K. (2017, Januari 2017). Kebidanan di Indonesia. Kompas Online. Retrived from
Author. (Year). Book title (edition). City of publisher: publisher
Varney, H. (2003). Varney's Midwifery, 4th Ed. (4 ed., Vol. 2). (4, Ed., & L. M. Trisetyati, Trans.) Jakarta: Buku Kedokteran EGC.
Book Title (edition). (year). City of publisher: publisher
Merriam‐Webster’s Dictionary (12th ed). (2007). Springfield, MA: Merriam‐ Webster.
Author. (year). Book Title (edition). City of Publisher. Retrived fro URL
Kumat, S.R.. (2012). Case studies in Marketing Management.. Dehli: Pearson. Retrived from http://books.google.com/books Biro Pusat Statistik. (2013). Statistik Indonesia 2010. Jakarta, DKI: Penulis. Diakses dari http://www.bps.go.id/books/file/1 2345.pdf
Author. (year). Thesis or Dissertation Title. Database number.
Young, R.F. (2007). Crossing boundaries in urban ecology (doctoral dissertation). Tersedia dari Proquest Dissertation & Theses Database. (UMI No. 327681)
Word title. (year). Ensyclopedia name. Access from URL
Digital Divide. (2013). Dalam Encyclopedia Britannica. Diakses 6 Mei 2013, dari http://search.eb.com
Institution. (year). Publication number or Title. City of Publisher: Publisher. Retrived from URL
Profil Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah. (2015). Data Angka Kematian Ibu dan Bayi. Semarang, Jawa Tengah:Penulis. Diakses dari www.dinkesjatengprov.go.id
Author.(year). Online document title. Retrived from URL
Surachman, A. (2008). SOP Perpustakaan FEB UGM. Diakses dari Universitas Gadjah Mada, Situs Web Perpustakaan http://lib.feb.ugm.ac.id/files/sop/
Author. (year,date). Article/Blog Title. Retrived from URL
Surachman, A. (2013, 25 Mei). Akses E‐ Resources Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Tulisan pada http://arifs.blog.ugm.ac.id
Author. (year). Title of online document. Retrived from URL
Ikatan Bidan Indonesia. (2017). Standar Praktik Kebidanan. Diakses 18 Mei 2018, dari http://www.ibi.or.id/standar/sai.ht ml
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