1. Articles written for journals include the results of thoughts and research results in the field of Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition, Health Analyst and Environmental Health. The manuscript is written in Times New Roman, 12 pts, with At least 12 pts spaces, printed on A4 paper for a maximum of 20 pages, and submitted in 3 print copies and its CD. File created with Microsoft Word.
2. Author's name of the article is listed without an academic degree and placed under the title of the article. If the author consists of 4 or more persons, listed under the title of the article is the first, second and third author names; the names of the other authors are listed on the first page of the manuscript. In the case of a script written by a team, the editor only deals with the first author or author whose name is listed first. The lead author must include an email address to facilitate correspondence.
3. Articles are written in Indonesian or English with essay format with title in each section of the article, except the introductory section presented without section title. The title of the article is printed in capital letters in the middle, with a letter of 14 points. The section title rating is expressed by different font types (all section headings and subdivisions are bold or bold and italic) and do not use numbers in section titles: Big Title (ALL CAPITALS, THICKNESS, AVERAGE LEFT LEFT) Sub Title 1 (Lowercase Small, Thick, Left Edge Left) Sub Title 2 (Uppercase Small, Bold-Lean, Left Flank Left).
4. Systimatika article of thought result is; title; author's name (without an academic degree); abstract (300 words); keywords; introduction (without title) containing the background and purpose or scope of the article; main discussion (can be divided into several sub-sections); closing or conclusion; referral list (contains only referenced sources).
5. Sistimatika article of research result is title; author's name (without an academic degree); abstract (maximum of 100 words) containing objectives, methods, research results; keywords; introduction (without title) containing backgrounds, materials and work methods, results; discussions, conclusions, suggestions and referral lists (only containing referenced sources).
6. Referral sources are as much as possible libraries of the last 10 years.
Preferred referrals are primary sources of research reports (including thesis or dissertation) or research articles in journals and / or scientific magazines. Book: LeMone, P.P., Burke, D., & Betty, R.S. 2009. Medical Surgical Nursing. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Book of articel collection: Dani, B. & Workman. (Eds.). 2010. Menulis Artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah (Edisi ke-9, cetakan ke-1). Bengkulu: Kartika Jaya Company. Article in article collections: Ronaldo, C. 2013. Colaboration Study: Make a Goal. Dalam P.J. Black & A. Lucas (Eds.), Champion Science (hlm. 109-119). Portugal: El Real. Article in Journal or Magazine: Suryopratomo, X. 2005. Pendidikan Modern di Lingkup Anak Muda. Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia, XX (1): 89-99. Article in Newspaper Sulakso, M. 11 Januari, 2005. Pendidikan Terbaik Se-Asia Tenggara. Rakyat Bengkulu Post, hlm. 5 &7. Newspaper / News in Newspaper (without author name): Kompas. 12 Mei, 2009. Anda Setuju?, hlm. 7. Official document: Pusat Pengembangan Studi. 2011. Cara Penulisan Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta: Kemenkes. Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 942/MenKes/SK/VII/2003 tentang Pedoman Persyaratan Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan Jajanan. 2000. Jakarta: PT Angling Dharma Translation Books: Rowling, J.K., Amien, Z, Eldora, X.A., & Ricardo, A. 2003. Standar Penelitian. Terjemahan oleh Suminten. 2010. Jambi: Suara Jaya. Thesis, Dissertation, Research Report: Devina, D. 2012. Pelaksanaan Lokakarya Penelitian di Universitas Bengkulu Jurusan Farmasi, Program Studi Obat Tradisional: Kesehatan sebagai Kebutuhan Mendasar. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Bengkulu : Unib Press. Paper Seminar, Workshop, Upgrading: Juarna, Q.Q. 2011. Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah. Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar Lokakarya Penulisan Artikel dan Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Bengkulu, Bengkulu, 12-14 April. Internet (Individual Work): Jeremy, H., & Jonathan, B. 2009. Modern Journals, 2005-2008: The Best Way, (Online), (http://journal.ecs.soton.ac.uk/survey/survey.html), diakses 07 Desember 2009. Internet (Article in online Journal): Lovy. 2007. Pengembangan Diri dan Masyarakat. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan. (Online), Jilid 1, No. 9, (http://www.poltekkes-bengkulu.ac.id), diakses 09 September 2010). Internet (Disscusion material): Anderson, W. 21 November 2009. A Number of Good Science. GAMA Discussion List, (Online). (GAMA@ugm.cc.buffalo.edu), diakses 22 November 2009. Internet (e-mail pribadi): Dian, A.S. (dian-poltek@wasantara.net.id). 1 Oktober 2007. Artikel untuk JPB. E-mail kepada Marlena (mar02@gmail.or.id).
9. The procedure of presenting quotations, references, and drawings follows the provisions of the Scientific Writing Guidelines (Health Polytechnic of Kemenkes Bengkulu) or the direct examples of the procedures used in the articles that have been published. The Indonesian article uses the Enhanced Spellings Generalized Indonesian Guidelines (Depdikbud, 1987). Articles in English use a variety of standards.
10. All texts are reviewed anonymously by the counterparts referred by the editor in his field of expertise. The author of the article is given the opportunity to make improvements or revisions of the manuscript on the basis of recommendations / suggestions from partners bebestari and / or editor. Certainty of loading or rejection of the manuscript will be notified orally or in writing.
11. Inspection and editing of the prints is done by the editor and / or by involving the author. Articles that are already in print form may be unloaded by the editor if known to be problematic.
12. Anything involving licensing of quotations or the use of computer software for the preparation of the earliest manuscripts or other matters related to Intellectual Property Rights (IPWs) committed by the author of the article, together with the legal consequences arising thereby shall be the sole responsibility of the author of the article.
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